An endless game with plarformer mechanics, about a little wizard who has to survive in a haunted house, but being a novice he doesn't have much magic, so to survive he has to take energy from the ghost king, but without getting caught and being careful of the ghost king's servants. 

WASD or ARROW KEYS to move

LEFT CLICK to cast the spell, the spell then follow your mouse until you have mana or it reaches the cursor

E to look in the keyhole to watch the ghost king

ESC to pause

When the screen flashes red, it means that a danger is coming


Whispering Locks.exe 70 MB


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Neat little game! I really liked the idea and would have loved to see it explored on a variety of different levels, specially since this one was pretty hard for me. Still a really fun game overall!

Cool concept and way of trying to figure out where the ghost king was going to go to next. I liked it giving its position away by having the doors move around, changing up the level as it progresses. And that little wizard is just so adorable. Nice job!